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Bishop Fox Livestream at DEF CON 32

Join us for a livestream from DEF CON 32 to hear seasoned hackers and cybersecurity experts inspire and empower the tech community to reclaim the security landscape through active engagement and innovation.

Cover slide how to write like it's your job

How to Write Like It's Your Job

Presentation from BSides San Francisco 2020 offers practical advice for security writers.

Sonos engaged Bishop Fox to secure their new voice-enabled speaker. Sonos Makes Secure Moves with Bishop Fox.
Customer Story

Sonos Makes Secure Moves with Bishop Fox

When Sonos was bringing a new voice-enabled speaker to the market, they turned to Bishop Fox to ensure that new features didn’t put customers at risk.
Watch our Zivideobee hacking smarter home invasion with zigdiggity video

Zigbee Hacking: Smarter Home Invasion with ZigDiggity

Existing Zigbee hacking solutions have fallen into disrepair, having barely been maintained, let alone improved upon. Left without a practical way to evaluate the security of Zigbee networks, we've created ZigDiggity, a new open-source pentest arsenal from Bishop Fox.
Watch our Def con 27 2019 finding secrets in publicly exposed ebs volumes video

DEF CON 27 (2019) - Finding Secrets In Publicly Exposed EBS Volumes

In this talk, Ben Morris shows how he found all sorts of secrets and associated data—passwords, SSH private keys, TLS certificates, application source code, API keys, and anything else that might be stored on a server hard disk.
Cover slide of presentation ZigDiggity: ZigBee Hacking Toolkit with black hat, Defcon, Bishop Fox and ZigDiggity logos

ZigDiggity: ZigBee Hacking Toolkit

Presentation from Black Hat USA 2019 reveals an open-source pentest arsenal for Zigbee networks.

Cover slide ghost in the browser broad-scale espionage with bitsquatting oscar salazar rob ragan of bishop fox

Ghost In The Browser - Broad-Scale Espionage With Bitsquatting

Presentation from Kapersky SAS 2019 on an unfortunate side effect to achieving HTTPS everywhere and learn what can be done to mitigate the risk.

Customer Story on how Wickr augment and prove the security of their products and services.
Customer Story

Wickr: How Bishop Fox Enables Wickr's Security Assurance

When Wickr needed to prove that their products and services were secure, they turned to the experts at Bishop Fox to validate their security and provide the transparency pledged in their Customer Security Promises.
Presentation cover slide on reverse engineering of mobile applications

Reverse Engineering Mobile Apps

Presentation from BSides Las Vegas 2019 demonstrates the successful exploitation of transit system mobile apps.

Customer Story on Secure Code Review and Hybrid Application Security Assessment.
Customer Story

Securing Boost.Beast

A Non-Traditional Source Code Review Securing the Foundation of Thousands of Web Applications.
Cover slide Ferris Bueller singing into microphone

Twist & Shout: Ferris Bueller's Guide to Abuse Domain Permutations

Presentation from Sqr00t 2019 explores the ins and outs of domain abuse, and how to prevent it.

Cover slide check your privilege (escalation) kate broussard senior security analyst at bishop fox

Check Your Privilege (Escalation)

Presentation from BSides Columbus 2019 discusses common privilege escalation paths on Linux systems.

Cover slide network penetration testing toolkit nmap,netcat, and metasploit basics day of security

Network Penetration Testing Toolkit: Netcat, Nmap, and Metasploit Basics

Presentation from Day of Shecurity 2019 familiarizes you with the necessary tools to continue your ethical hacking journey.

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