Cosmos is a fully managed service combining advanced attack surface management technology with expert-driven continuous penetration testing to help security teams identify and remediate business-impacting exposures before attackers strike.
Fortify The Perimeter
Remediate business-impacting vulnerabilities and strengthen resilience against evolving perimeter threats with a fully managed service featuring advanced technology and expert-driven testing.
Protect Critical Apps
Uncover the full spectrum of vulnerabilities with authenticated assessments and ongoing monitoring that maintains the resilience of your most critical applications against rapidly evolving threats.
Extend CASM protection
Enjoy the highest level of attack surface protection with post-exploitation to determine the business impact of exposures and annual penetration tests to meet due diligence and regulatory requirements.
Cosmos is a fully managed service, providing expert-driven continuous security testing to identify and validate dangerous exposures proven to be disruptive to your business.
Delivers Comprehensive External Attack Surface Visibility
Discovers the entire external attack surface, including assets often overlooked by traditional technologies, which are prone to be targeted by adversaries.
Maps the Evolving Attack Surface
Maintains perimeter knowledge, generating a current view of your attack surface using public information and proprietary intelligence gathering.
Provides an Accurate View of Assets
Uses a team skilled in attack surface reconnaissance to validate asset ownership, ensuring a true picture of your perimeter.
Visualizes the Attack Surface
Features an intuitive user interface that enables you to understand, tag, interact with, and make informed decisions regarding assets across your attack surface.
Illuminates Opportunistic Threats
Focuses on the most prevalent avenues adversaries take to gain access to environments, instead of broadly scanning for all vulnerabilities, which generates overwhelming noise for your security team.
Automatically Detects Potential Exposures
Uses collected intelligence and an automated exposure reconnaissance engine to spot anomalies, abnormalities, and attack surface changes that signify potential risks.
Stays Ahead of Emerging Threats
Dedicates a specialized team of experts to proactively scout for developing threats and rapidly deploy analyzers, so at-risk assets are identified and secured before attackers can exploit them.
Eliminates the Triage Process
Examines every potential exposure, filtering out false positives and confirming true negatives, to ensure valuable resources are not squandered.
Validates Exposures with Expert-Driven Testing
Performs continuous penetration testing to safely evaluate the exploitability of exposures in real-world attack scenarios based on your rules of engagement.
Emulates Real-World Attacks
Recreates the actions of persistent adversaries — learning about your attack surface, linking findings, and continuously hunting for new issues — just as targeted attackers would.
Leverages Real Attacker Methods and Tools
Uses a team skilled in attack surface reconnaissance to validate asset ownership, ensuring a true picture of your perimeter.
Identifies Post-Exploitation Risks
Once an exploit is verified, Cosmos can provide deeper insights into the efficacy of your defenses by safely emulating advanced attacks, including privilege escalation, lateral movement, and establishing command and control.
Tests Authenticated Application Functions
Cosmos Application Penetration Testing (CAPT) takes application security testing to new depths by executing expert-driven authenticated testing on critical web applications, exposing concealed risks inherent with authorized user access.
Satisfies Growing Regulatory Requirements
Cosmos External Penetration Testing (CEPT) offers flexible external penetration tests with letters of assessment to satisfy due diligence requirements, while illuminating the broadest spectrum of exposures.
Targets Remediation with Actionable Findings
Delivers a focused list of validated exposures with actionable guidance and impact analysis that prioritizes issues with demonstrated potential to expose sensitive systems and data.
Extends Your Security Expertise
Provides live communication and access to testers via a dedicated and encrypted Slack channel. Testers are available to answer client inquiries, support further validation, and conduct testing against new targets and areas of interest, as requested.
Confirms Assets Are No Longer Susceptible
Testers are available on demand to validate that exposures have been fully remediated and are no longer susceptible to compromise.
Delivers Deep Insights
Provides a centralized view of your Cosmos team's findings and analysis. Insights include attack surface data, findings impact analysis, remediation guidance, and a prioritized list of critical and high-severity issues.
Cosmos maintains an accurate and up-to-date view of the attack surface, ensuring all potential threats are uncovered.
Cosmos finds opportunistic threats that are actively targeted in real-world attacks, especially those that can be leveraged in more intricate attack chains.
Cosmos takes on the triage process, removing unnecessary distractions so your team can concentrate on the exposures that matter most.
Cosmos emulates the latest attack strategies with expert-driven continuous pen testing, ensuring every alert you receive is tied to a real threat.
Cosmos extends the depth of expert-driven testing to illuminate risks associated with authorized user access and post-exploitation activities.
Cosmos assigns ratings based on potential access to sensitive systems and data, focusing action on the most critical and business-impacting exposures.
Cosmos keeps your team ahead of the threat with prescriptive guidance, on-demand retesting, and live access to testers.
Cosmos helps strengthen the perimeter while shedding light on internal vulnerabilities, enabling you to improve resilience over time.
Achieving Warp Speed to Continuous Testing: How to Calculate ROI for your Business
Uncover your organization’s unique cost savings and risk mitigation strategy for a continuous offensive testing solution with our customized ROI calculation.
John Deere Digital Security Journey: Securing Products Against Cyberattacks
To help ensure John Deere products are ready to withstand security threats, John Deere chooses Bishop Fox's Cosmos platform and product security reviews.
Ponemon Institute Report 2023
In a new study conducted with Bishop Fox, the Ponemon Institute surveyed nearly 700 security and IT practitioners who actively employ offensive security practices. The analysis explores where enterprises are focusing offensive security efforts and the drivers behind them.
Are you ready to uncover your digital footprint and get a real-time, attacker’s view of your perimeter? Request a demo to see the Cosmos platform in action.
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