To modify an Apple mobile device (e.g., an iPhone) past the limits set by the manufacturer to gain privileged access.
A programming language.
The name of a software company and a Java application server it made.
Java Cryptography Extension.
An open source automation server.
A workflow and issue tracking product. Not an acronym. Pronounced as "jeera."
Just-in-time. Describes the practice of compiling code right at run time.
file, JPG, .jpg
Pronounced as “J-peg.” JPEG and JPG are interchangeable names for this image file type.
JSON with padding.
An attack in which a power cord is used to steal data from a device while it’s charging.
A programming language.
To skip code, as in moving to a different line of machine-language instructions. Informal in other contexts.
Informal. Use proxy or attacker’s server in formal writing. Also called a jump host or jump server.
Informal. Use USB drive, flash drive, or thumb drive instead, depending on the context.
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