DEF CON 27 - SpellCheck: The Hacker Spelling Bee
- Date:
- Past Event
A year ago, under dystopian conditions, one worthy speller lifted the champion’s belt above her head. The ascent of that gleaming trophy parted the clouds of confusion and brought with it the promise of a new day. Through the bee, the Cybersecurity Style Guide strengthened the emerging union between humans and technology. Now, that hope-filled guide has spawned an itty-bitty helper — a fierce little dictionary to augment your word processor’s native spell check list.
In celebration of a blossoming age of digital-analog cooperation, we’re taking time this golden summer to revisit the high drama and awkward humor of the good old-fashioned spelling bee.
We’ll use the most recent version of the Cybersecurity Style Guide for the official spelling of each term. Rounds will increase in difficulty and eventually include saying proper capitalization out loud for tricky everyday terms and rare attack vectors alike.
25 challengers can compete! Sign up in advance by emailing [email protected] before August 7, or just come to the event a little early and volunteer on the spot. All spellers will get participation badges, and the winner will receive a unique prize.
It’s a lovely day. Take a stroll with us down random-access memory lane.
Brianne Hughes revives her hacker spelling bee at DEF CON 27.