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Epic Fails and Heist Tales: Red Teaming Toward Truly Tested Security

Senior Security Consultant Alethe Denis takes audiences on a riveting journey into the realm of Red Teaming through captivating narratives and insightful analysis.

Watch our Derpcon 2020 net roulette exploiting insecure deserialization in telerik ui video

DerpCon 2020 | .NET Roulette: Exploiting Insecure Deserialization in Telerik UI

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX is a widely used suite of UI components for web applications.
Watch our Zivideobee hacking smarter home invasion with zigdiggity video

Zigbee Hacking: Smarter Home Invasion with ZigDiggity

Existing Zigbee hacking solutions have fallen into disrepair, having barely been maintained, let alone improved upon. Left without a practical way to evaluate the security of Zigbee networks, we've created ZigDiggity, a new open-source pentest arsenal from Bishop Fox.
Watch our Def con 27 2019 finding secrets in publicly exposed ebs volumes video

DEF CON 27 (2019) - Finding Secrets In Publicly Exposed EBS Volumes

In this talk, Ben Morris shows how he found all sorts of secrets and associated data—passwords, SSH private keys, TLS certificates, application source code, API keys, and anything else that might be stored on a server hard disk.
Watch our drone hacking wireless mouse flyby hijack with dangerdrone video

Drone Hacking: Wireless Mouse Flyby Hijack with DangerDrone

Some quick live footage of flying the Danger Drone, a free penetration testing platform from Bishop Fox.

Watch our Def con 25 2017 weaponizing machine learning video

DEF CON 25 (2017) - Weaponizing Machine Learning

At risk of appearing like mad scientists, reveling in our latest unholy creation, we proudly introduce you to DeepHack: the open-source hacking AI. This bot learns how to break into web applications using a neural network, trial-and-error, and a frightening disregard for humankind.
Watch our Def con 25 2017 game of drones video

DEF CON 25 (2017) - Game of Drones

We’ve taken a MythBusters-style approach to testing the effectiveness of a variety of drone defense solutions, pitting them against our DangerDrone. Videos demonstrating the results should be almost as fun for you to watch as they were for us to produce. Expect to witness epic aerial battles against an assortment of drone defense types.
Watch our Drone hacking defeating net defense products with a protective chicken wire cage video

Drone Hacking: Defeating Net Defense Products with a Protective Chicken Wire Cage

Defeating net-based drone defense products by using a protective chicken wire bubble would defeat the majority of net drone defensive products which rely on the net getting caught in the propellers to take down the drone.
Watch our Drone hacking skynet shotgun shells drone net shell testing video

Drone Hacking: SKYNET Shotgun Shells - Drone Net Shell Testing

Defeating net-based drone defense products by using a protective chicken wire bubble: The SKYNET 12 gauge shotgun shells blew a hole right through our chicken wire protective cage.
Watch our Weaponizing machine learning humanity was overrated anyway video

Weaponizing Machine Learning: Humanity Was Overrated Anyway

A video teaser to Bishop Fox's "DeepHack" program, presented at DEF CON 25 on July 29th.
Watch our Deephack demo exploiting sqli by using an open source hacking ai tool video

DeepHack Demo - Exploiting SQLi by Using an Open-source Hacking AI Tool

At risk of appearing like mad scientists, reveling in our latest unholy creation, we proudly introduce you to DeepHack: the open-source hacking AI. This bot learns how to break into web applications using a neural network, trial-and-error, and a frightening disregard for humankind.
Watch our Def con 18 2010 lord of the bing search engine hacking video

DEF CON 18 (2010) - Lord of the Bing - Search Engine Hacking

This presentation picks up the subtle art of search engine hacking at the current state and discusses why these techniques fail. We will then reveal several new search engine hacking techniques that have resulted in remarkable breakthroughs against both Google and Bing.
Watch our How we can stop email spoofing video

How We Can Stop Email Spoofing

According to our research, 98 percent of the internet is not protected against email spoofing, which is a relatively easy problem to solve. If you’re concerned that your domain may be vulnerable to spoofing, check out SpoofCheck, our tool that diagnoses web and email domains.

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