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Epic Fails and Heist Tales: Red Teaming Toward Truly Tested Security

Senior Security Consultant Alethe Denis takes audiences on a riveting journey into the realm of Red Teaming through captivating narratives and insightful analysis.

Watch our Black hat usa 2016 danger drone arsenal demo vegas casino video

Black Hat USA 2016 - Danger Drone - Arsenal DEMO - Vegas Casino

Some quick live footage of flying the Danger Drone, a free penetration testing platform from Bishop Fox. She handles great!
Watch our Drone hacking live footage of danger drone video

Drone Hacking: Live Footage of Danger Drone

Some quick live footage of flying the Danger Drone, a free penetration testing platform from Bishop Fox. She handles great!

Watch our Def con 24 2016 game over man reversing video games to create an unbeatable ai player video

DEF CON 24 (2016) - Game Over, Man! – Reversing Video Games to Create an Unbeatable AI Player

“Super Smash Bros: Melee.” – Furrowed brows, pain in your thumbs, trash talk your Mom would blush to hear. What started as a fun coding project in response to a simple dare grew into an obsession that encompassed the wombo-combo of hacking disciplines including binary reverse engineering, AI research, and programming.
Watch our If you cant break crypto break the client video

If You Can't Break Crypto, Break the Client

CVE-2016-1764, fixed by Apple in March of 2016, is an application-layer bug that leads to the remote disclosure of all message content and attachments in plaintext by exploiting the OS X Messages client.
Watch our Black hat usa 2015 bypass surgery abusing cdns with ssrf flash and dns video

Black Hat USA (2015) - Bypass Surgery - Abusing CDNs with SSRF Flash and DNS

It is unlikely when a bug affects almost every CDN and it becomes vulnerable, but when this happens the possibilities are endless and potentially disastrous. This is a story of exploit development with fascinating consequences.
Watch our Def con 23 2015 rfidiggity pentester guide to hacking hf nfc and uhf rfid video

DEF CON 23 (2015) - RFIDiggity - Pentester Guide to Hacking HF/NFC and UHF RFID

Have you ever attended an RFID hacking presentation and walked away with more questions than answers? This talk will finally provide practical guidance for penetration testers on hacking High Frequency (HF - 13.56 MHz) and Ultra-High Frequency (UHF – 840-960 MHz).
Watch our Brinks smart safe hacking video

Brink's Smart Safe Hacking

It’s possible for a thief to plug a USB drive into Brink’s CompuSafe Galileo, automate hacking the safe, and steal the cash inside. Our video explains this exploit in under 60 seconds.
Watch our Airdroid exploit demo video

AirDroid Exploit Demo

A vulnerability in the AirDroid application’s web interface made it possible for an attacker to essentially hijack a user’s phone. This video highlights the vulnerability’s implications and how an app’s permissions can become too pervasive.
Watch our Black hat usa 2014 cloudbots harvesting crypto coins like a botnet farmer video

Black Hat USA 2014 - CloudBots - Harvesting Crypto Coins like a Botnet Farmer

In this presentation, we explore how to (ab)use free trials to get access to vast amounts of computing power, storage, and pre-made hacking environments.

Watch our Hope x 2014 rickrolling your neighbors with google chromecast video

HOPE X (2014) - Rickrolling your neighbors with Google Chromecast

Take control over your neighbors’ TVs like in the movies! This talk will demonstrate how to hijack any Google Chromecast – even if it’s behind a secure Wi-Fi network – to do your bidding.
Watch our Bsides lv 2014 untwisting the mersenne twister how i killed the prng video

Bsides LV 2014 - Untwisting The Mersenne Twister: How I killed the PRNG

Untwister is a tool designed to help pentesters predict random number sequences when an application generates them using an insecure algorithm. This presentation focuses on weaponizing what used to be theoretical into our tool: untwister.
Watch our Rickmote controller hijacking tvs via google chromecast video

RickMote Controller - Hijacking TVs via Google Chromecast

Video Demo - using Bishop Fox's "RickMote Controller" to wirelessly hijack someones nearby TV by taking over their Google Chromecast.

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