The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
See how low-risk exposures can become catalysts for destructive attacks. We include examples of exposures found in real-world environments, including a step-by-step view into how ethical hackers exploited them to reach high-value targets.

See how threat actors can turn low-risk exposures into destructive attacks.
Every time a new CVE is published and gains traction in the press, security teams scramble to determine whether those vulnerabilities pose a threat to their business. The truth is that in many cases, these stories simply become a distraction. The biggest risks are oftentimes vulnerabilities that are much less glamorous, much easier to exploit, and offer more useful footholds for attackers.
While EternalBlue and Log4j are high-profile exposures that garnered widespread attention, there are thousands of exposures categorized as low or medium risk, according to pre-defined severity ratings, that slip through the cracks. However, in the hands of skilled attackers, many of these exposures serve as launching pads or steppingstones to more complex and destructive attacks. The challenge for many organizations is not only identifying these exposures but determining the potential business impact in their unique environment.
In this eBook, we’ll explore:
- The speed, precision, and covert nature of modern adversaries
- Commonly observed low-risk exposures and how they lead to destructive attacks
- How attack surface management and continuous pen testing can help you proactively uncover, assess, prioritize, and remediate these types of “innocuous” exposures
We’ll include examples of exposures found in real-world environments, including a step-by-step view into how ethical hackers exploited them to reach high value targets.